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No Abacus Handy? Use your hands.

2016-09-26 Hits 4987

Suppose you want to do some math, but you don’t have an abacus handy. Oh, the horror! What do you do?

No problem! Your hands make a *great* two-digit soroban-type abacus. The four beads on the lower deck are your four fingers; the bead on the upper deck is your thumb, as illustrated in this diagram (with apologies for my terrible artwork):


So the numbers from one to nine look like:


To get two digits, you use your right hand for the ones, and your left for the tens. So, for example, let’s look at a simple addition:


Once you know the abacus, doing this with your hands is pretty simple. It’s definitely a limited technique, since you can’t get past one hundred without using your toes, but it’s a nifty trick, and it’s easy to teach kids to do this for working out math problems. If you’ve got a kid who’s a tactile thinker, it’s amazing how much learning to do this can help them. I’ve seen kids who do paper math with many digits by working out subparts of the problem using this style of finger-abacus.

There’s actually a whole Korean teaching method for math called something like chisan-bop. From what I understand, they build up on this quite a bit, to be able to do much more complicated stuff than just two-digit addition, but I haven’t been able to find an english textbook on chisan-bop. All the english texts basically show what I just did above: the two-digit abacus on the fingers.

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Learning abacus makes you understand the concept of numbers and improves your mental arithmetic skills and basic arithmetic ability in a short period of time. Basically, math is limited to the area of the left brain responsible for logic languages. However, abacus arithmetic stimulates the visual, auditory and tactile without exception and actively helps the development of the right brain responsible for the artistic and sensory abilities as well as the left brain.

If you learn an abacus calculation, 9 things to be improved

​Calculation ability - Learning an abacus is a basic learning that goes into an outstanding math prodigy with excellent calculation ability
Concentration - It is very good learning methods to kids who lack of concentration and have no motivation
Patience-Very good habit in all learning and behavioral development
Positiveness -Different ages and schools can be the friends and always responsible students
Brain development - Brain develops while you enjoy brain development
Agility -Since learning the abacus moving your fingers, you have agility.
Arithmetic operation, mental arithmetic - You know the correct answers in mathematics without calculator 
Good posture -Since learning with correct posture, the correct posture is also strong, durable body and mental health
Number sense - Because you have excellent sense in number, you will show a remarkable ability in mathematics and life calculations.

Full instructions:

 to1toyou Sign up for our Online Abacus Course 'Abacus Math From Scratch'. Get 80% off this course with this link

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