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We cannot continue to be like this. something has to be done!

2016-10-21 Hits 6828
In today's digital age, the human ability to think and numeracy paralyzed in mobile phone
"We cannot continue to be like this. something has to be done!"
Abacus mental arithmetic craze around the world!
Recently Harvard University, University of California co-researchers,
the results of the experiments with the children who learned the abacus calculation for 3 years and children who didn't learn the abacus calculation,
announced that mental arithmetic skills and numeracy of children who learned the abacus calculation greatly improved.
Because the use of the abacus with fingers extensively activates a brain circuit
Thus, the US is now abacus tutoring is emerging and the old shops selling goods, customers that purchase the abacus steadily increasing
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Prev In today's digital age, the human ability to think and numeracy paralyzed in mobile phone ! 2016-11-03
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